(Road Trip) Day One: Virginia to Kentucky

May 22, 2013

Today marks day one of my big road trip out west to Utah. I’m headed out there for a sweet internship, so I’m pretty pumped! I’ve enlisted my twin brother to come along with me as well, so it should prove to be a nifty little trip (: Day one has brought us to eastern Kentucky, where a former au pair of ours now lives. We’ll get to spend some time catching up with her this evening, which is definitely…

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Bye-Bye UVA

May 21, 2013
graduation 2013

Yesterday I wore the “honors of honor” and graduated from the University of Virginia. (Wahoowah!) Heh, I’m kind of not sure how to write a blog post about it. So I think I will just post some photos my friend Khadeeja took of me while we were out on our glamorous “graduation photo shoot.” Sound good? Good. (Also, be sure to take in how ridiculously beautiful the grounds at U.Va. are!) I am a tad camera shy. But I’m working…

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Pint Night

May 10, 2013

Ah…Pint Night. How I look forward to you at the end of every semester. Pint Night is a bi-annual event that regularly happens at the end of finals here at the University of Virginia. It’s something my friends and I started a few years back. Here’s the scoop (lame pun kind of intended): when Pint Night rolls around, each attendee is to purchase a pint of his or her favorite flavor of ice cream and bring it, along with a…

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Almond Cake or Cupcakes

May 5, 2013
almond cupcakes

So I’ve been a little m.i.a. over the past two weeks thanks to finals… But now I’m done and can write posts again! Woohoo! Here is my recipe for almond cake or cupcakes. A word of warning…a little almond extract goes a long way, mmkay? Trust me 🙂 Also, in case you’re wondering how I created this recipe, I did it very much like how I came up with my pistachio cake recipe—by using the flour substitution method I describe…

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Basic Buttercream Frosting

May 5, 2013
easy buttercream frosting

Buttercream is probably the most basic frosting you can learn how to make. (Though I think cream cheese frosting is even easier!) Here is the recipe I always use. By the way, like the cream cheese frosting recipe, this is an easily adaptable recipe. You can switch out the kind of extract you use, drop in some cocoa powder, or add something like cookie butter. And with a little food coloring, the possibilities are endless! Okay, last thing. I recommend…

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Lemon Cake or Cupcakes

April 21, 2013
lemon cupcakes

Mmm, lemons! I prefer to use the real deal whenever possible, so this recipe uses real lemon zest and juice. Lemon Cake or Cupcakes Makes 13–14 cupcakes or just over enough batter for one 9″ round cake pan. Double the recipe if you’d like a full-sized cake. Ingredients 1 3/4 cups cake flour 1 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 cup butter, cut into pieces 1 cup sugar 2 egg whites, slightly beaten 3/4 cup milk 1/2 tsp vanilla…

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