Banana Peanut Butter Smoothie

June 13, 2013
banana peanut butter smoothie

Oh my GOODNESS. I think I have found my favorite smoothie, everyone. I was in my kitchen—pretty much dying because I’d just done Shaun T’s 15-minute workout—and I needed some sustenance fast. One thing I always keep in my freezer is frozen banana slices; I find that it’s such a good way to make sure my bananas don’t go bad before I can eat them. So basically I purchase a pretty big bunch whenever I’m at the grocery store and…

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My Beautiful Friend Khadeeja

June 6, 2013
my friend khadeeja

These photos are definitely long overdue in getting posted, but it did take me a while to get around to editing them! So, forgive me. As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I did a little “graduation photo shoot” with my college roommate Khadeeja before graduation. I mean…how could you not go out and do a shoot before graduation with a beautiful campus like U.Va.’s, am I right? Anyhow, here are a few of my favorites. Where Khadeeja spent…

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Makeshift Room Decor

June 1, 2013

Ha, so I’m titling this post “Makeshift Room Decor” because it’s about the kind of decorating I do when I get to a place I won’t live in for very long—like a dorm room or apartment sublet. (Story of a college student’s life, right?) Beautifying my living space—even down to my workspace and closets—is one of my very favorite things to do. In fact, in deciding what to bring in my car on the trip out here, some of my…

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(Road Trip) Day Four: Colorado to Utah

May 27, 2013
utah sign

We finally made it! Colorado to Utah was quite the long drive as well. We did, however, stop at Arches National Park along the way, so that was definitely a nice break. Annnyway. Now time for some photos as promised! Also, this place kind of reminds me of aliens. Or at least a sci fi movie. In a good way. Now you want to go, don’t ya? Heh, anyway, that’s about all I have to write for now since I’m…

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(Road Trip) Day Three: Missouri to Colorado

May 24, 2013

Alas! We’re past the halfway point! Day three of the drive out to Utah involved crossing in the Mississippi, seeing a whole lot of Kansas, and by night getting into Rocky Mountain territory. Can I tell you a secret about the Mississippi River? It was not as wide as I was expecting. I knew it wasn’t actually a mile wide as the nickname designates, but…yeah. Ha, oh well. It was still fun crossing it! The drive was a little monotonous…

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(Road Trip) Day Two: Kentucky to Missouri

May 23, 2013

Ah…day two of the big drive from Virginia to Utah. This day was a bit more eventful than day one for my brother and me since it brought us to a ton of cities we’d never been to—Cincinnati, St. Louis, and Kansas City, Missouri. (Do you like the photo I took of the arch while we were driving in St. Louis, by the way?) We stopped in St. Louis for lunch and found a nifty little sandwich-and-crêpe place called Rooster.…

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