Brainfood: Italian Plurals in English

July 25, 2013

Every once in a while I think I’ll share something fun and interesting that I’ve learned or discovered. And it’ll be about anything—the only requirement is that it peaks my interest and might possibly peak yours as well. I call this feature…Brainfood. I hope you’ll enjoy it! Today I’d like to share something I noticed in the English language that involves words borrowed from Italian. (Disclaimer: I’ve never formally studied Italian.) It makes for a sweet fun fact to bring…

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Raspberry Cake or Cupcakes

July 21, 2013
raspberry cupcakes

Mmm, raspberry cupcakes. I have to say, this cake in particular looks gorgeous when you pull it out of the oven. Observe… You will notice that they don’t appear to have very many raspberries. That’s because the raspberries sink a little bit toward the bottom in the baking process. But I think this works out wonderfully—that way, when you’re getting toward the bottom of the cupcake, having eaten up all of the frosting, you have some extra raspberries to make…

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How To Send Frosted Cupcakes in the Mail

July 19, 2013
mail cupcakes

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that if you click through any Amazon link (starred like so*) in this article and happen to purchase anything on Amazon, I get a small commission. This doesn’t cost you anything—just an FYI! No, you’re not crazy. Wanting to send frosted cupcakes in the mail is a worthy endeavor. And some cupcake places actually do it regularly! I was recently the lucky recipient of a dozen Georgetown cupcakes via…

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Happy Birthday, Carl!

July 12, 2013

Firstly, I wish I’d thought to do this when it was my older brother’s birthday last month. I’ll do it next year, Bill—promise! But…guess what. My twin brother, Carl, turns 22 today! (Yes, that does in turn mean I turn 22 today as well, but shhhh I like to keep my birthday a secret.) Happy birthday, Carl! Here are a few things you need to know about Carl (or as I like to call him, my “former wombmate”). He’s a…

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Key Lime Frosting

July 3, 2013
lime frosting

Mmm, this is the perfect frosting for summer, am I right? This is my recipe for Key lime frosting, and it’s delightfully simple, if I do say so myself. Here I’ve taken my basic buttercream recipe, omitted the vanilla, and added some key lime zest. I decided to use buttercream as the base for this frosting since I thought it might taste a little lighter than a cream cheese-based frosting, but feel free to make the adjustments I made to…

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Chocolate Frosting: 4 Ways

July 2, 2013
chocolate frosting

One of my goals here at the blog is to help you become confident in your abilities to prepare things from scratch, without always having to look at a recipe. So, while this post does contain the recipes you need to prepare your own chocolate frosting, I’ve included the methods by which I came up with the recipes so you can start creating recipes of your own. Anyhow, feel free to skip all that nonsense and just use the recipes…

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