How To Brown Butter

September 30, 2013
brown butter

Brown butter, known as “beurre noisette” (that is, “hazelnut butter”) in French, is butter that has been whisked in a saucepan over medium heat until it browns and acquires a lightly nutty scent and flavor. It’s quite heavenly. The French use it rather often in pastry making, and you can also use it to make some delicious savory sauces. Basically…it tastes incredible in pretty much anything, and you can use it just like you would regular butter. So you should…

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3 Ways to Salvage Sub-Par Cake and Cupcakes

September 25, 2013
cake pops

Not all cake recipes I try come out perfectly the first time I try them. In fact, it often takes me three or four times to get a recipe just right. I tend to try out cake recipes by baking cupcakes, which means I (somewhat) often have to find something to do with cupcakes that are too sticky, not risen enough, too dense, too crumbly…you get the picture. Anyhow, I find that it’s always great to have a backup plan…

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How To: Two-Tone Cupcake Frosting

September 23, 2013
two tone frosting

So…I had a recipe I tested this weekend not work out. The solution? Teach you a nice frosting technique instead! Ignore the sub-par cake part, okay? Ever wondered how people frost cupcakes so that they have that nifty swirl effect? Well, a friend of mine who used to work at a bakery taught me how. One disclaimer—I apologize that I don’t have tutorial photos for this one! This technique, however, is really simple, so you probably don’t need them anyway.…

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Root Beer Float Cupcakes

September 16, 2013
root beer float cupcakes

This week I went to a 50s themed “iron chef” get-together and thought, “Hmm…how can I make a 50s themed cake recipe for this?” And then I realized, “Whoa. I definitely just bought root beer extract on an impulse two months ago.” Bam. Root beer float cupcakes. So as you can see, this post does not follow my usual pattern of just giving you the cake recipe and letting you decide whether to make it into cake or cupcakes. (A…

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How To Toast Coconut Flakes

September 11, 2013
toasted coconut

Just a quick post on how to toast coconut flakes. I purposely made it so that you toast your coconut flakes at the same temperature that you use when baking cupcakes. Which is pretty convenient, methinks. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Spread the coconut flakes in a thin layer on a baking sheet. Bake for 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 minutes. Keep an eye on ’em, as the burn easily. My favorite way to use this is as a garnish…

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Cinnamon Coconut Cake or Cupcakes

September 9, 2013
cinnamon coconut cupcakes

I present…the second of two successful coconut cake recipes I tried out last week. This is a great way to transition a summer flavor into the fall season, non? Cinnamon Coconut Cake or Cupcakes Makes 14 cupcakes or just over enough batter for one 9″ round cake pan. Double the recipe if you’d like a full-sized cake. (Remember: It’s okay to have extra batter! It’s better to freeze the extra than to add more batter than you should in the…

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