‘Tis the season of pumpkin, and today I present a delicious pumpkin cake recipe. You may have seen this before, actually, as I first posted it here on the blog for this mason jar cakes post. But. I thought I’d bring it to you in cake and cupcake format (: Pumpkin Cake or Cupcakes Makes 16 cupcakes or enough batter for a little more than one 9″ round cake pan. (Note that a typical cake involves baking two pans’ worth…
I made business cards.
October 16, 2013I indulged in some craftiness recently when I decided to make…business cards! Well, they’re kind of business cards. They’re really just “blog cards” in the sense that they give people the info I usually spout out when telling people about my blog. So they’re pretty simple and don’t have the typical business card-like info on them. But I quite like them 🙂 I got the idea from a tutorial by Pugly Pixel, which involves stamping glassine envelopes with a customizable…
Today I bring you a recipe I created as part of a guest blog post for The Proper Pinwheel: White Chocolate Chai Spice Cupcakes with Brown Butter Frosting. It’s my white chocolate cake recipe, plus Chai spices, and is topped with my two-ingredient brown butter frosting. Click here to see the cupcake recipe over at The Proper Pinwheel! In case you haven’t been to The Proper Pinwheel before, let me give you the deets—The Proper Pinwheel is a blog by…
2-Ingredient Brown Butter Frosting
October 8, 2013Are you surprised that this frosting isn’t actually brown in color? Weird, I know. It’s just slightly darker than regular buttercream frosting. But this frosting is probably one of the most interesting frostings you will ever make! It involves a technique of browning butter on the stove for a few minutes to bring out a nutty aroma. (You can read more about that technique here.) It will blow your mind if you’ve never encountered it before. And the great thing…
We are the interns. (And #LDSconf weekend.)
October 5, 2013Greetings from Salt Lake City. Instead of bringing you a “shop crush” this week, I thought I’d update you on life lately. To put it shortly, I have been interning with a book company. I do social media. Yep, that means I spend quite a bit of time of Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. The company I’m working with happens to be church-related, so lately we interns—and everyone, really—have been doing tons of prep work for the big church event that…
Brainfood: On Faith and Trees
October 2, 2013This week I thought I’d share a nice little linguistics tidbit I found a couple of years ago while taking a course in Old English. For me, it’s one of my favorite “gems” of knowledge from my undergrad years because it not only is interesting but also offers some really great spiritual insights. But it’s one of those things that you don’t even have to be be super spiritual to appreciate. So. Get excited. I was doing some translation work…