Making a watermelon explode is actually quite simple: rubber bands. That’s it. Just keep adding them to the circumference of a watermelon until it explodes. (Which, yes, it will explode. Big time.) It was one of the scariest things I’ve ever done in my life. Here is some documentation of the process and then the carnage that ensued: Want some? Happy Wednesday 🙂 Love, Maurine…
Fourth of July Weekend
July 7, 2014I hope you all had a wonderful Fourth of July weekend! It’s the best when Independence Day falls on a Friday, isn’t it? A few friends and I headed over to the Jefferson Memorial at the Tidal Basin in Washington, DC, for the fireworks. It’s pretty much the greatest place to see them—nation’s capital, overlooking the water, everyone geeking out because they’re actually in DC on the Fourth of July… Yep. Be jealous. On our way to the Tidal Basin.…
Friday Faves // Vol. 1
June 27, 2014Hi, there. I’ve been thinking lately that I’d love to have a place to share with the world what little things I’m liking at the moment. Just because there are so many great things out there to talk about, you know? So, of course that has manifested itself as a Friday feature here on the blog. (I’ll try to make it entertaining—promise!) So, you can expect to see a post like this every Friday or so, with “Shop Crush” still…
Coconut Frosting
June 23, 2014Now that it’s officially summer, it’s about time I posted a coconut frosting recipe, huh? I actually have two recipes for this in the works, but here is the first one! This one simply uses an extract to get you the coconut flavor you want. Coconut Frosting Makes enough for 12 cupcakes or for half of a standard double-layer 9″ round cake. Ingredients 3/4 cup unsalted butter, room temp 2 1/2–3 cups powdered sugar 2–4 TB milk or cream 1…
June 17, 2014Raincamping: It’s just like normal camping, only you get rained on a ton 😉 I went with quite a few friends of mine over the weekend, so I thought I’d share a few nature photos with you on the blog today. Enjoy! Doritos make for good kindling, by the way. We found a little frog! …and my favorite part was photographing the wet leaves. I also found some daisies at nighttime :)  …
DIY Gift Idea: Cake Mix in a Bag
June 11, 2014So this is about the easiest gift idea ever, but it’s one of my favorites! I did this for a friend for his birthday recently (so yeah, “Janna” is a pseudonym.) I personally love creating a custom cake flavor for people on special occasions, but you can do this with any recipe you think the recipient will love. The trick to this is dividing your ingredients correctly into separate bags for quick mixing later. I talk about when to mix…