I made business cards.

October 16, 2013
business cards for a baker

I indulged in some craftiness recently when I decided to make…business cards! Well, they’re kind of business cards. They’re really just “blog cards” in the sense that they give people the info I usually spout out when telling people about my blog. So they’re pretty simple and don’t have the typical business card-like info on them.

But I quite like them πŸ™‚

business cards for a baker
I got the idea from a tutorial by Pugly Pixel, which involves stamping glassine envelopes with a customizable stamp and then filling the envelopes with bits of confetti. I decided to tailor it to my blog by putting sprinkles inside instead, as it kind of goes with the whole baking thing I’ve got going on here.

Maybe it’s not the most practical, but it is memorable, at least…

Anyway. That’s all! Here’s a list of the supplies in case you’re feeling inspired now.


business cards for a baker


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  • Reply Shannon Thornton October 17, 2013 at 2:48 am

    That's the most adorable business card I've ever seen. Ever.

  • Reply Maurine Dashney October 18, 2013 at 5:04 am


  • Reply The House That Lars Built October 18, 2013 at 3:29 pm

    You are too much! So cute!

  • Reply Khadeeja Ashai October 19, 2013 at 4:20 pm

    Haha what an adorable idea! I can totally see you whipping one out of your shirt pocket and just like holding it REALLY close to someone's face and being like "This is me! Maurine Dashney" haha that rhymes. I think we just found your new catch phrase…I'll copyright it when I get my life back

  • Reply Maurine Dashney October 20, 2013 at 4:21 am

    Ha! The holding the card really close to someone's face part is so accurate.

  • Reply Maurine Dashney October 20, 2013 at 4:22 am

    Also, thank you Brittany πŸ™‚

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