1. The “glamping” series over at The House That Lars Built. Ha, I feel kind of weird listing this since I know Brittany personally, but goodness she is amazing! So this is a series of posts about how to make camping more fancy. Think flowers, painted rocks, crafty accessories… Here’s a link to the homemade herb firestarter to entice you.
2. The party that was J.Crew’s arrival in London in November 2013. I’m behind the times, I know. But do you see this car??

3. Comme Une Française. I mentioned this girl’s blog a couple weeks ago in my post The 25 Most Useful Phrases I Learned While Studying in France. I can’t think of a better resource for French students wanting to improve their conversational French. Géraldine has a ton of videos covering a range of topics, from “A French Wedding in 6 Steps,” to “Kiss or Shake Hands in France: 5 Golden Rules,” to “How to Scare the Heck out of a French Person.”

4. Paperless Post. Ever heard of it? Paperless Post is a site where you can create your own invitations from a variety of super stylin’ templates. (You’ll even find names like Jonathan Adler, J.Crew, and Oscar de la Renta there!) Their style just really jives with mine, I guess you could say. And who doesn’t love saving paper? They’ve got an awesome blog going on, as well.
5. The fact that The Little Rascals actors re-created their movie poster twenty years later. Well done, my friends.
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There's my J Crew weakness…