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  • coconut toasted marshmallow cupcakes

    Toasted Coconut and Marshmallow Cupcakes

    Ah, the Toasted Coconut and Marshmallow Cupcake. Also known as the David and Mallory Cupcake. One of my favorite-ever things to do is create custom cake recipes for friends on special occasions. So when…

    January 13, 2014
  • White Chocolate Chai Cupcakes (Using Actual Tea!)

    This recipe uses Teavana’s Dosha Chai Rooibos tea to give your cake or cupcakes a distinctive and delicious Chai flavor. …for ABC4 viewers who are checking out my blog after seeing my TV appearance…

    December 1, 2013
  • cafe zupas cupcakes

    The “Café Zupas” Cupcake

    …Also known as “the chocolate-covered strawberry cupcake.” I should probably start off by saying that no, this is not an official cupcake offered at Café Zupas—which, by the way, is a delicious soup, sandwich,…

    November 26, 2013
  • cranberry cupcakes

    Cranberry Cake or Cupcakes

    So…this is a Thanksgiving-themed cake flavor for ya. I really wanted this cake to work using only cranberry sauce, but alas it wouldn’t! Hence, fresh cranberries. Which is probably better anyway. Oh, and they’re…

    November 21, 2013
  • Sugared Cranberries

    So…this is my first attempt at making sugared cranberries. I wanted to use them as garnish for a Thanksgiving-themed cupcake I made (coming Wednesday!) You’ll notice they don’t look quite as sugary as the…

    November 18, 2013
  • nutella frosting

    Nutella Frosting

    I think this frosting pairs perfectly with hazelnut cake, but let’s be honest…what does Nutella not taste fantastic with? Nutella Frosting Makes enough for 12 cupcakes or for half of a standard double-layer 9″…

    November 6, 2013