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  • raspberry cupcakes

    Raspberry Cake or Cupcakes

    Mmm, raspberry cupcakes. I have to say, this cake in particular looks gorgeous when you pull it out of the oven. Observe… You will notice that they don’t appear to have very many raspberries.…

    July 21, 2013
  • mail cupcakes

    How To Send Frosted Cupcakes in the Mail

    *As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that if you click through any Amazon link (starred like so*) in this article and happen to purchase anything on Amazon, I get…

    July 19, 2013
  • lime frosting

    Key Lime Frosting

    Mmm, this is the perfect frosting for summer, am I right? This is my recipe for Key lime frosting, and it’s delightfully simple, if I do say so myself. Here I’ve taken my basic…

    July 3, 2013
  • chocolate frosting

    Chocolate Frosting: 4 Ways

    One of my goals here at the blog is to help you become confident in your abilities to prepare things from scratch, without always having to look at a recipe. So, while this post…

    July 2, 2013
  • mashed sweet potatoes

    Mashed Sweet Potatoes

    Ok ha, so firstly, I think mashed potatoes are really hard to photograph. Forgive me that the photos aren’t amazing this time! Anyhow, many consider sweet potatoes to be a healthier alternative to regular…

    June 29, 2013