Oh my GOODNESS. I think I have found my favorite smoothie, everyone. I was in my kitchen—pretty much dying because I’d just done Shaun T’s 15-minute workout—and I needed some sustenance fast.
One thing I always keep in my freezer is frozen banana slices; I find that it’s such a good way to make sure my bananas don’t go bad before I can eat them. So basically I purchase a pretty big bunch whenever I’m at the grocery store and chop about half of them up and freeze them right when I get home. It’s a pretty sweet system if I do say so myself.
Anyhow, I thought of my banana slices, and then remembered that I had almond milk and peanut butter on hand as well.
- one large handful of banana slices
- about as much almond milk
- a spoonful of peanut butter
The makings of pretty much the best drink ever crafted.
That’s all! Also, I purposely didn’t include measurements here because 1) I didn’t measure, and 2) who the heck wants to take out measuring spoons when they’re about to faint and in need of a smoothie?
Also, I like my Ninja.
Love, Maurine
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This makes me hungry!
Khadeeja, you neeeed this! Trust me 🙂